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J-DRIP Fe is an innovative formula for drip irrigation system based on Iron chelated with [o-o] EDDHA and DTPA in a fulvic acid matrix in GEL form. The mix of EDDHA and DTPA iron is realized in order to use the synergy between the 2 chelating agents and obtain a better bio-availability of the iron constant in time.


J-DRIP Fe is characterized  by the utilization of highly purified fulvic acids, to produce the GEL matrix, that allow and improve the root absorption of the Iron in fact the fulvic acid are biologically more active than humic acids in the root stimulation. Fulvic Acids perform an important action that consists in stimulate the active absorption of the root through specific channels in the root itself (protonic pump) that preferably absorb Iron. The GEL fulvic matrix represents too an extra protection avoiding “physical” contact between Iron and all the elements that cause Its insolubilization (phosphorous, oxides, etc.) increasing the bio-availability for the crop during the time.


J-Drip Fe is easy to use cause is easy to dissolve and dust free.